Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Solicited Advice

Carrie and I have finished about 7 or so childbirth classes. From Daddy Boot Camp to our 8-hour Saturday Childbirth Education class last weekend, we have been thoroughly prepped for this upcoming event. Why do I still feel like I don't know what's going on then?

Actually we both feel very much more prepared than we did, but we are still a little nervous. Since this is the first time we've ever done this, it's quite a challenging experience to face.

Carrie has started having some minor contractions now! Things are moving along quickly.

Now, a strange phenomenon happens when a young couple announces that they are expecting their first child. Everyone...and I do mean everyone...begins giving advice. That advice ranges from how to handle the pregnancy to how to give birth to how to raise the kid. Usually we can accept that advice; sometimes we laugh at the advice; and sometimes we ignore the adivce or forget it altogether. However, I'm soliciting your advice here! If you have parenting tips, feel free to post them here. Can you spoil an infant? How do you discipline your 3-month old? Do you put your kids on a schedule? Have at it. This is your chance to sound off...and we welcome it!


Anonymous said...

Little Daniel is going to be prefect and will not need correction. He will need lots of hugs and kisses from his Nana. :)

Anonymous said...

buy earplugs

Anonymous said...

I do not think you will have any trouble being a good parent. God's word is full of advice and you can learn from others mistakes. Remember we were not perfect. Besides, how can Daniel Martin Lee have any problems with behavior. You two will do well. It is a new adventure but one of the most rewarding there is on this earth.

Katie Barker said...

small piece, coming from a childless woman (ha),although I am the oldest of 6 of kids, (so that should give me some credit). It's okay to let him cry. It's tough to hear initially, but it's better in the long run! Especailly when you are putting him to bed and you know he will quit. Becuase he has learned, you won't be picking him up and having to be there every second when he is crying. (you asked for it.)

LMLogan said...

I don't have any advice of my own - since I don't have any children :) but I just wanted to say I'm so so excited for you guys - keep updating us on her progress!! :)

S said...

Coming from parents of a newborn...Don't stress about getting him on a schedule initially. I think we pushed too hard to get Esther on a schedule right away (meaning taking naps after every feeding, etc.), but eventually she did it on their own. Some things in Babywise are great, some you just have to adapt to your child. Sometimes, Stephen and I looked at that book and said, "Liars!" :)Oh yeah..we have narrowed her cries down to two things...she's hungry or tired..pretty simple! We'll be praying for you guys in these exciting next few weeks.