Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Summer's Halfway Over Already

Can you believe it's already the middle of July?! So much has happened already that it seems as if this summer has flown by. We've had some very difficult and trying times recently, but we are rejoicing in God's goodness and faithfulness through it all.

Carrie is doing much better. She hasn't had any more vertigo for a while now. Kathy Erickson has a been a huge blessing helping us out through this. Thanks, Kathy! And we certainly could not have made it through without Bob and Janelle. They have come over any time we called and taken care of Daniel and Carrie. My parents came up and stayed with Carrie and Daniel while I was gone on a retreat. Thanks, Mom and Dad!

Daniel is doing well. He went to the doctor today for his four month check up. They gave him 4 more shots...and he did not like that at all. He is rolling all around the floor and exhibiting his stubborn nature more frequently now.

I just got back on Saturday from a retreat with some of our teens. We had a great time at Alpine Bible Camp. I'll put pics up at the teen website sometime this week, Lord willing:

I've probably posted this before, but it's worth repeating. Rutherford wrote to a friend who was suffering that when she came to glory she would be forced to say, "If God had done otherwise with me than he hath done, I had never come to the enjoying of this crown of glory." How true it is! Our God is all wise and sovereign over our lives. We trust him completely that he is leading us on in the best possible way to the enjoying of a crown of glory! May he be praised and may we continue to be transformed into the image of Christ!

Here are some recent pics:

Fourth of July Party at the Barker's

Happy Baby!

1 comment:

Katie Barker said...

Hey, thanks for the shout out! We had a great time with you guys! Twice in one week at that.